White Doves and Olive Branches
Now that the two protagonists have cleared the air, it is my time too, in being the third opinion to be voiced, to similarly clear the air.~
Firstly, I retract what I had said in my previous post and apologize with regards to misunderstanding the person to whom the post was directed at. Like I had mentioned, I was annoyed by your post about me, of which your opinion I cannot shape and will not bother to influence upon change. Your impression, speculations and opinions are yours and yours alone. And I do respect that. I have acknowledged since the beginning that it is not possible for me to make decisions that satisfies everyone. However, I do hope that you will understand that whatever I have done has been for everyone and never have I done it for myself. As a performer, organizer and a member of the committee, I have always opened whatever I could find to all. Whether those interested are ultimately selected, is nearly always a decision out of my hands, due to a potential conflict of interest.
Also, I have never craved power or influenced the decisions of our predecessors, no matter how you may want to view it. I just saw what we, yes, including you, and all the others, have created as something that was falling apart due to poor management initially. In being one of the few who were keeping it afloat and attempting to revive it, those before us decided to choose me as its figurehead, due to my network, associations and prior experience in its operations. To be very frank, given a choice, I would have much preferred to stay in the shadows of another leader, focusing on my craft instead and being a catalyst for other potential ventures.
For the record, if you look into yourself and dig up our past interactions, or speak to your fellow comrades in our craft who carry the same banner as you, I believe I can objectively state that I have always been supportive and helpful whenever I can, to you and your bandmates.
Anyway, the point of the issue and the focus of my angst was directed at you, not at your opinion towards me, which you are wholly entitled to think or blog about, as it is your space for verbal recourse, but on our common friend with whom you have made peace with. As I said, I was standing up for a good friend, whom I would not abide or condone the damaging statements that were seemingly inflicted upon him. It has nothing to do with fear but rather, a friendship strong enough for one to place himself on the record for to defend. I do not enjoy burning bridges or making strong comments, but there are things work fighting for and this friendship is one of them. On a side note, I have never seen you as a powerless individual. You have alot of potential. Harness it.
Ok. I believe enough has been said on all three fronts. Once again, I extend my hand in humble apology for this misunderstanding and retract the comments I made in my prior post.